Friday, January 27, 2012

I live in growing zone 5a and I have a hardy hydrangea that is healthy but won't bloom. Why won't it bloom?
I live in growing zone 5a and I have a hardy hydrangea that is healthy but won't bloom. Why won't it bloom?
blah blah blah

Hydrangeas bloom on old wood. If you prune it each fall then the next year it won't bloom because there's no old wood for the flowers to form on. Since you say I don't think that lack of fertilizer is the problem but I'll mention it anyway. Also, is the plant getting enough water and is it planted in the sun or a place where it can get sun some of the day? A hydrangea likes sun. You should water your plant when it begins to look wilted or every day if there has been no rain lately.
Reply:well 1 it might not be getting pollen from bees or 2 the plant is wasting its energy on leaves so if you've been trimming it allot then that might be it

or it might not be to young i think hydrangeas can to bloom after its 3 years old
adult teeth

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