Thursday, January 26, 2012

My blue hydrangea is turning green and the the leaves are brown starting with the tips and going to the stem.?

My blue hydrangea looked really good when I bought it 2 months ago but now the blooms have turned green and the tips of the leaves have turned brown and started to curl upward. It is planted in a pot about 3 times its size and gets

shade all the time. This is the first time that I have ever had a hydrangea and I don't know what to do for it please help!!!
My blue hydrangea is turning green and the the leaves are brown starting with the tips and going to the stem.?
It must be very hot in Central Texas. The hydrangea you bought was grown in ideal conditions -cool temperatures, bright indirect light, ample water and acidic soil. When the blooms turn green, it means there's not enough acid in the soil and the leaves curling up and browning means, it is not watered enough or the soil is not rich and prorous. To rescue the plant, it should be taken indoors until the heat of summer dies down., otherwise, keep the hydrangea in semishade, apply aluminum sulfate ( to make the soil acidic, if you really prefer blue blooms) and water it daily until soaking wet.
Reply:you didn't say what region you live in, but generally, hydrangeas need some sunlight. Also, good soil irrigation is needed during the summer months. Since it is potted, it should have some loose soil (just add some substance to keep it loose, including peralite) to insure good drainage and steady watering habits. These plants prefer slightly moist soil. I'm not familiar with all species, but there is a new hybrid that is tinged with green color. But, allowing for good watering, drainage and ample sunlight, the soil may need a fertilizer boost. Lack of nitrogen cause slow growth and yellowing leaves. Potassium is needed for good photosynthesis. A shortage is indicated by mottled yellow or pale green mature leaves with scorched edges and less than usual flower yield. A boost of miracle grow with a bit or morning sun may do the trick!

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