Thursday, January 26, 2012

Can you grow Hydrangea indoors?

I only have a small window box ourdoors and was thinking to grow it indoors if possible!!
Can you grow Hydrangea indoors?
Hydrangeas can be grown satisfactorily on a light windowsill indoors,until the plant grows too large.When this happens,simply cut off a stem with two strong leaves,make the cut just below a leaf joint,leaving a cutting app;4" long.

Dip the cut end in water,then in hormone rooting compound.Insert into a small flowerpot of cutting compost,cover with a plastic bag,place in a light position and in a short time a new plant will result.
Reply:Yes, as long as it gets adequate sunlight.
Reply:Yes,but don't do it as first they are intolerent of dryness (hydra) and so are high maintenence.The main reason is they are unattractive as they slowly lose leaves and are bare in late autumn,winter and early spring so the ugly period is too long for indoors
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