Thursday, January 26, 2012

My big beautiful purple hydrangea wilted, why?

I got a 6" pot with hydrangeas's from walmart brought it home and set it where it only got the early early early morning sun then it was completely shaded by the house and it wilted and the flowers died the very next day could it have been from heat because the tempeture got to the high 90's during the day? I'm trying to revive it because the leaves are still green so I brought it in the house and watered it. Will it grow new flowers or just die off?
My big beautiful purple hydrangea wilted, why?
usually plants wilt if they get dried out...or if they can't absorb enough water thru the roots to keep up the upper leaves...basically the leaves transpire or realease moisture faster than the plant can transport more water up to the upper part... if it got up to 90 and it was in a 6" pot ... that sounds like a perfect recipie to dry out... chances are that if you got it in a 6" pot from walmart and it was already blooming ... it was meant to be a house plant... so it isn't used to 90 degrees anyways... keep it inside... can't be sure that it will bloom again... it might if you do it right... but put it in a bigger pot if you can and try slowly acclimating it to your outside shady area...
Reply:re-pot your hydrangea and get some fertilizer and soil specifically for that kind of plant. Make sure the soil stays moist, not soaking wet and slowly start to acclimate it to your weather. If you take extra care with it, you may be able to plant it outside next year.
Park Hotel Ahrensburg

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