Thursday, January 26, 2012

PeeGee hydrangea - only half of it has leaves?

My PeeGee hydrangea started growing leaves these past few weeks, but for some reason only half of the bush has leaves - the other half is just wood stems - does this mean I am going to lose the bush? It was so big by the end of last fall I cut it back but I cut all around on it and not just on one side, so I don't understand why only half of it has leaves on it. Can anyone help??
PeeGee hydrangea - only half of it has leaves?

I am a landscaper and designer. The PeeGee Hydrangea is a hardy cold weather shrub. You pruned back in the fall. One question, did you prune the branches at an angle? This is very important for the health of any plant specimen.

One thing you can check right now. Take your fingernail or a small knife and scratch the surface of a branch with no leaves. If it is green it is healthy. If it is brown, it may be shock. You can loosen the soil around the plant and add a good quality fertilizer or add some organic mushroom compost. The organic mushroom compost is an organic fertilizer that will last up to one year. Water it regularly and see what happens in a couple of weeks.

I will link you to the more variety of plants section as there is a page on Hydrangeas that may help you. I will also link you to the site map as this page has everything that is on the website. Browse through and see if you can find any other information that may help. If you need further help, please feel free to contact me. Hope this helps some and good luck to you. Have a great day!



Reply:Peegee hydrangeas are prolific bloomers provided you don't cut them back at the end of the of the season when they have set bud for the next season. So I will be suprised if you have many blooms this season. They bud on last years growth. When you trimmed it during the cold weather it probably died back by exposing the cut stems to the cold.

It will came back by next season, No other pruning is necessary this season other that any dead or crossed branches. Be patient It will come back. Next time only prune off the dead branches and only 1/3 of the total plant and spent blooms.That is the general rule of thumb for pruning any tree, shrub etc. Any more than 1/3 of the total plant puts to much stress on the plant.

So there ya go. Just follow a few simple rules and next season your peegee hydrangea will be revived and as good as new.
Reply:Peegees do tend to die back a bit after harsh winters. Are your dead stems on the windy side? I wouldn't worry about losing the plant however. Just cut out the dead stuff and it will probably grow back just fine.

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