Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Are hydrangeas high maintenance and should someone who is not familiar with gardening be delving into this?

Hydrangeas are low maintenance. Just be sure that they are hardy in your area. Try to get variety that bloom on new woods (like Endless Summer) so if late frost come, you will still get flower from it. Old varieties bloom on old woods.

It's better to plant them in area that get afternoon shade, if not the sun will burn the leaves.

The fun part is that in acid soil the flower will be blue and in alkaline soil the flower will be pink. Not all hydrangeas are able to change flower, just need to read the plant tag (description) before you buy.

Have fun with hydrangeas.
Are hydrangeas high maintenance and should someone who is not familiar with gardening be delving into this?
Thanks for your response. I just purchased a hydrangea plant and I don't have a green thumb. I hope that I don't kill it. The flowers are so beautiful. The next thing that I need to research is how to dry the flowers after cutting. Report It
Reply:Hydrangeas are easy to grow. Each winter just prune back to the base the older stems to where 2 buds appear and cut about 1 cm up from them. Leave the stems that haven't flowered this season as these will be the ones that flower next time

Fertilise in spring and stand back watch the flowers grow. They do need protection from the afternoon sun so plant them where they get morning sun and you won't have any problems.

Depends what your soil type is to get either blue or pink flowers. we get pink flowers here and if we want blue flowers we have to use a blueing agent that you can buy from the nursery.
Reply:easy but they need as much water as an "impatient" so stay on ur toes!
Reply:Hydrangea can be grown by anybody.Check out the website below.
Reply:Hydrangeas are not only easy to grow, but can be fun too, as you can "change" the color of the blooms!


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